“Congratulationson successfully passing the IRONMAN Coaching Recertification Exam! Your certificate has been extended 2 years”.
Why to be an Ironman Triathlon Coach? Why to get recertified every 2 years?
Giannis Psarelis :“ It’s because -more than anything – as a triathlon coach I respect the athletes that train under my supervision and I want to provide them the best coaching support/ services. Being an Ironman triathlete (first ironman triathlon race 26 years ago) I know that I have to remain humble as a coach and never think that I know everything. Every day is a opportunity to learn more and to develop further as a coach. Ironman triathlon races helps us learn more about the human body’s physiological and psychological limits. But we know that there is a lot of research to be done to help our understanding ”
Why to be a member of the Ironman Triathlon Coaches Association? Giannis Psarelis : It’s because I was an Ironman triathlete and right now I want to continue to be part of the Ironman Family. I was inspired by lgends triathetes Mark Allen & David /Scott at the 80s and early 90s and it’s great to be able to follow their live Workshops. Coaches learn mostly from other coaches and Ironman Coaches Association is one of the best chances to be in touch with triathlon coaches. You can learn from every coach at every single minute. Some things that you might learn might change your coaching philosophy even you are a very experienced coach”